Communist Party Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Communist Party(Marxist) Office Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook

Communist Party Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Communist Party(Marxist) Office Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook

Communist Party of India (Marxist) was the founded in the year of 7 november 1964 in 51 year ago. Communist Party of India (Marxist) is the secretaty general is sitaram yechury and the his party lok sabha leader is p. karunakaran and the rajya sabha leader is sitaram vechury. Communist Party of India (Marxist) has the headquarter in gole market new delhi . Communist Party of India (Marxist) is the provide the this newspaper is peoples democracy ganashakti and the his party is wing by youth wing is democratic federation of india and the students wing is students federation of india. Communist Party of India (Marxist) is the womens wing is all inda demicratic womens association and the labour wings is centre of indian trade union and the peasants wing is all india kisan sabha.

contact address -

Communist Party of India (Marxist)
central committee
ak gopalan bhawan 27-29 bhai vir singh marg new delhi
phone no - 1123344918

13-b padmanab nagar new subhash nagar colony bhopal
phone no - 7552757751

andhra pradesh
h. no 27-30-3 akulavari street governorpet vijayawadsa andhra pradesh
phone no - 8662577202

janashakti glabe mill passage pandurang budhkar marg worli mumbai
phone no - 2224951576

45- pd chaliha road hedayet pur guwahati
phone no - 3612663183

bihar state committe
jamal road patna
phone no - 6122203325

samyabadee bhavan j-7/1 jayadev bihar gangadhar meher marg bhubaneshwar orissa
phone no - 6742360378

14 vithalbhai patel house rafi nagar near patel chowk metro station new delhi
phone no - 1123713434

baba karam singh cheema bhavan sector chandigarh
phone no - 1722657038

noorani chowk raja talab raipur
phone no - 7712432838

mazdoor kisan bhavan shanti nagar hatwara road jaipur
phone no - 1412220757

pob 9o 2nd floor mukund building fl games road vascoda gama
phone no - 8322513028

prathana samaj raikhad char rasta ahmedabad
phone no - 7925352764

daragaion tadong gangtok
phone no - 3592231021

jasbir colony sheila by pass rohtak
phone no - 1262266900

p.r. ninaivagam 27 vaidhyaram street south boag road i nagar chennai
phone no - 4424341205


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