G.R.Gopinath Mobile Number, Phone Number, Email id | G.R.Gopinath WhatsApp number, House Address, Facebook Id

G.R.Gopinath Mobile Number, Phone Number, Email id | G.R.Gopinath WhatsApp number, House Address, Facebook Id

Mr. Gorur Ramaswamy Lyengar Gopinath Is an Indian businessman. He is an Indian entrepreneur, the founder of Air Deccan, a retired Captain of the Indian Army, an author, and a politician. G.R.Gopinath Was born on 13 November 1951 in Gorur, Hassan District In Karnataka. He was the second of eight children. Gopinath's father; a school teacher, believed that schools were systems of regimentation and was resolved to teach Gopinath at home. He spent eight years in the army and fought in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. In 2009 Gopinath unsuccessfully contested as an independent candidate in the Lok Sabha elections.

In 2014, He unsuccessfully contested Lok Sabha elections on the ticket of Aam Aadmi Party. Gopinath was admitted to a Kannada medium school quite late and straight away he joined Standard V. In 1962, Gopinath cleared the admission test and joined Sainik School, Bijapur. The sainik school helped and prepared Gopinath to clear the NDA entrance exams. After 3 years of rigorous training, Gopinath completed education from the NDA. He then went on to graduate from the IMA. After school, he earned a commission in the Indian Army, earning the rank of Captain.

G.R.Gopinath Scial Details

G.R.Gopinath Facebook Page- www.facebook.com/Gopinath
G.R.Gopinath Twitter Account- N/A
G.R.Gopinath House Address- N/A
G.R.Gopinath Mobile Number- N/A
G.R.Gopinath Phone Number- N/A
 G.R.Gopinath Whatsapp Number- N/A
G.R.Gopinath Email Id- N/A


1996 - Rolex Awards for Enterprise.
2005 - Rajyotsava Award (Karnataka).
2007 - Chevalier de la legion d’Honneur (France).
Personality of the Decade Award (K.G. Foundation).
Sir M Visvesvaraya Memorial Award (Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry)


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