Manoj Sinha Mobile number, Contact Number, Email | Manoj Sinha House Address, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp number

Manoj Sinha Mobile number, Contact Number, Email | Manoj Sinha House Address, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp number

Manoj Sinha was born on 1 july 1959 in Ghazipur Uttarpradesh.Manoj Sinha was belong to in bhumihar brahmin family.Manoj Sinha  has a B. Tech. and M.Tech. degree in civil engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University.Manoj sinha was the President of the Banaras Hindu University Students Union.Manoj Sinha has married Shreemati Neelam Sinha on 8 May 1977.Manoj Sinha Has A Bharatiya Janata Party member of Parliament (MP) from the Ghazipur constituency in Uttar Pradesh. Manoj Sinha is currently Minister of State for Railways.Manoj Sinha has been included in the union cabinet recently during the cabinet expansion by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Manoj Sinha is a Member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.From 1989/1996 he was a member of the National Council.In 1996/1999 and in 2014 he was elected to Lok Sabha.Manoj Sinha had impressive start the president of the Banaras Hindu University Students Union in 1982.and then in 1996 and 1999 he was elected to the Lok Sabha.Manoj Sinha has been a member of BJP national council too from 1989 to 1996.Manoj Sinha was elected to Parliament in the years 1996 and 1999.Manoj Sinha was among the seven most honest members of parliament according to India Today.Manoj Sinha in 1996 he was elected to 11th Lok Sabha and again re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha in 1999.

Manoj Sinha - Ministry of Railways

Manoj Sinha  social media -

Manoj Sinha facebook account - n/a
Manoj Sinha  twitter account - n/a
Manoj Sinha  phone number - 011 23382323
Manoj Sinha whatsapp number - 9415209958
Manoj Sinha  email id -
Manoj Sinha  house address -
gram mohinpura p.o.basdevpura district ghazipur uttar pradesh


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