Chanda Kochhar Mobile Number, Email | ICICI Bank CEO Chanda kochhar House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook, Twitter

ICICI Bank CEO and Managing Director (MD) Chanda kochhar Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Chanda kochhar House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook, Twitter

Chanda kochhar was born on 17 november 1961 in jodhpur. chanda kochhar was educated in st. abgela sophia scholl jaipur. after chanda kochhar was joined the jai hind college for a bachlore degree in mumbai. chanda kochhar was after graduating in 1982 ahe studied cost accountancy and leter went to acquire a master degree in management form jamnalal bajaj institute of management studies. chanda kochhar was recive a gold medal for excellence in management studeis.

chanda kochhar careeer -

chanda kochhar in 1984 joined industrial credit and investment corporation of indian as a management trainee. chanda kochhar was appointed one of the core team member who are assigned the responsibility of setting up the bank. chanda kochhar was promoted assistant general manager in 1994 abd then deputy general manager in 1996. chanda kochhar was appointed as deputy managing director of icici bank in 2006. icici bank under in chanda kochhar won the best retail bank in india award in 2001 2003 2004 and 2005 and excellence in retail banking award. chanda kochhar in 2009 was appointed a managing director and ceo of the bank and since then responsible for the bank diverse operations in india and overseas. chanda kochhar was fortune list of most powerful women in business 2005.

Chanda Kochhar award -
chanda kochhar was recive the padma bhushan award the third highest civilian honor awarded by the government of india for banking sector services.

chanda kochhar home address - n/a
chanda kochhar mobile no - n/a
chanda kochhar email - n/a

chanda kochhar social details -
facebook account -
twitter account -



  2. डियर में
    मै अमिताभ सिंह आईसीआईसीआई का १० साल पुराना कैस्मर मै क्रेडिट कार्ड का पेमेंट देना चाहता हूं जो covid १९ के टाइम से रुका है लेकिन बैंक ने मेरा अकाउंट लिन पर डाल दिया है जिससे में अपना प फ का पैसा मागा कर भरना चाहता हूं
    And mo 9920456482
    E mail
    So plz help me

  3. डियर में
    मै अमिताभ सिंह आईसीआईसीआई का १० साल पुराना कैस्मर मै क्रेडिट कार्ड का पेमेंट देना चाहता हूं जो covid १९ के टाइम से रुका है लेकिन बैंक ने मेरा अकाउंट लिन पर डाल दिया है जिससे में अपना प फ का पैसा मागा कर भरना चाहता हूं
    And mo 9920456482
    E mail
    So plz help me

  4. Good morning mam,u r favorite and I respect u very much.


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