Seema Mustafa Mobile number, Contact Address, Email | Seema Mustafa House Address, Whatsapp number, Twitter

Seema Mustafa Mobile number, Contact Address, Email | Seema Mustafa House Address, Whatsapp number, Twitter

Seema Mustafa was born in delhi. seema mustafa was related to muslim family. seema mustafa father name is lt. colonel mustafa. seema mustafa father is indian army officer. seema mustafa mother is daughter of shafi ahmed and brother of rafi ahmed kidwai freedom fighter and congress politician. seema mustafa was educated in B.A. form lucknow uniersity in polticial science. seema mustafa was married to a hindu businessman and have childern a son agneya singh and a daughter gayeti singh. seema mustafa and her husband are give now divorced. seema mustafa is first cousin on feminist and communist ideologue ayesha kidwai is a leading activisr propagandist and professor of linguistics at jawaharkak nehru university.

seema mustafa career -
seema mustafa is a indian print and Television Journalist. seema mustafa currently editor in chief of citizen a digital newspaper founded by her. seema mustafa began her journalist career with pinoeer in lucknow moved in 1979. seema mustafa are worked in other indian publications including the telegraph and indian express. seema mustafa after leaving asian age in 2008 seema mustafa work as a resident editor of covert a forthnightly left wing political magazine. seema mustafa mother m.j. akbar launch the sunday guardian a weekly newspaper ans seema mustafa was join as residenr editor. seema mustafa was next took over job of director of a new left wing and mislim oriented think tank based in new delhi name the centre for policy analysis.

seema mustafa publications -

1995 - the lonely prophet v.p. singh a political bigoraphy new delhi new age international
1995 - seema mustafa anuradha m. chenoy and initative for national renewal and empowerment of people
2012 - azadi daughter hourney of a liberral muslim new delhi
2013 - journalism ethics and responsibilities new delhi pragun publications

seema mustafa home address - n/a
seema mustafa mobile no - n/a

seema mustafa social details -

facebook account -
twitter account -
instagram account -
email address - n/a


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