Shashi Ruia Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Shashi Ruia House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook

Shashi Ruia Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Shashi Ruia House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook

Shashi Ruia was born in marwari family.  shashi ruia is chairman and co founedr is essar group. shashi ruia borther name is ravi ruia. shashi ruia lives in mumbai. shashi ruia is a biggest no of businessman. when shashi ruia father nand kishor ruia death than shashi ruia and brothers hiecieron group and began to expand in just three decades have transfomed a small family business into a diversified multinational company in areas of energy steel communications and construction. shashi ruia and brother essar group is present time forth biggest house in india.

shashi ruia career  -
shashi ruia father empire was a shipping company and exports in 1956. after he names first name of essar of their childern s and r. shashi ruia and brother moved the deepwater port and pipeline construction. in 2000 reached agreement with hong kong tycoon li ka shing to hutchison essar. li ka shing sold vodafone in 2007. combined company is now third largest operator in india.

shashi ruia house address - n/a
shashi ruia mobile no -  n/a
shashi ruia whatsapp no - n/a

shashi ruia social details -
facebook account -
twitter account  -
instagram account -
linkedin account -


  1. Hi sir iam from himachal i have no more money to open a petrol pump but i have a suitable land and im very interested to open a petrol pump help for this.


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