Pankaj chaudhary Mobile number, Contact Address, Email | Pankaj chaudhary House Address, Whatsapp number, Twitter

Pankaj chaudhary Mobile number, Contact Address, Email | Pankaj chaudhary House Address, Whatsapp number, Twitter

Pankaj chaudhary was born on 1st january 1958. pankaj chaudhary father name is lateshri bhagwati prasad chaudhary. pankaj chaudhary was educated in B.A. form gorakhpur university. pankaj chaudhary is indian politician and pankaj chaudhary belong to bharathya janata party. pankaj chaudhary wife name is bhagyashri chaudhary and pankaj chaudhary have two childern one son and one daughter.

pankaj chaudhary politics career -

1989/91 - mamber of municipal corporation gorkhpur uttar pradesh
1990/91 - deputy mayor municipal corporation gorkhpur uttar pradesh
1990 - onword member working committee bharatiya janata party
1991 - elected to 10th lok sabha
1991/96 - member committee on papers laid on the table and member committee and technology envirnment and forest
1996 - re elected to 11th lok sabha
1996/97 - member committee on communications and member joint committee on office of profit
1998 - re elected to 12th lok sabha
1998/99 - member committee on railways member committee on petitions and member consultative committee ministry of civil aviation
2004 - re elected to 14th lok sabha
2007 - onwards member committee on MPLADS
2014 - re elected to 16th lok sabha

pankaj chaudhary home address - gorakhpur uttar pradesh
pankaj chaudhary mobile no - n/a

pankaj chaudhary social details -

facebook account -
twitter account -
instagram account -
linkedin account -


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