Pankaj Patel Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Pankaj Patel House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook, Twitter

Pankaj Patel Mobile Number, Contact Number, Email | Pankaj Patel House Address, Whatsapp Number, Facebook, Twitter

Pankaj Patel was born on 1951. pankaj patel was complete education in bechlor of pharmacy and master of pharmacy form gujarat university, ba in sicence and law form university of mumbai. pankaj patel was married to priti patel a dughter  of dr b d patel. pankaj patel have two childern dr sharvil and shivani. pankaj patel son dr sharvil patel is deputy managing director of cadila healthcare ltd and married to meha. pankaj patel daughter married to pranav d patel.

pankaj patel career - pankaj patel was chairman and managing director of cadila healthcare. pankaj patel was tide to 26th place on forbes magazine first annuallist of the 40 richest indians. pankaj patel was best pharma man of the 2003 year by the foundation of indian industry and economists i recognition of the growth of cadila under leadership.

pankaj patel home address - n/a
pankaj patel contact no - n/a

pankaj patel social details -

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  1. Sir, I want to do business in Donation Day, please Sir, I will do business in your name and people will also get employment Dunga Please Sir 2 crores of rupees please


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